
Dr. Tímea Tács

Family doctor, occupational health specialist

Doctor's office opening hours

Dear Patients, please be informed about the changed office hours!

Doctor's office opening hours
Monday 8-12.00h
Tuesday 15-19.00h
Wednesday 8-12.00h
Thursday 15-19.00h
even months 13-17.00h
odd month 8-12.00h

Adult General Practitioner Services:

1073 Budapest, Dob u. 86. Phone: 321-0358, 321-0440 
Working days, Public holidays, Weekends: 0:00-24:00
The on-call outpatient service does not provide sickness absence management
or prescriptions for non-acute, same-day sickness.


If you are a resident of District VII, you can find out which general practitioner you belong to by clicking on the "My GP" button.

2022 - 2023 Flu season

When to ask for the ifluenza vaccination

It is best to get vaccinated before the flu starts to spread in your community. September and October are usually a good time to get the flu vaccine. Ideally, everyone should get vaccinated by the end of October. However, even if you can't get vaccinated until November or later, it is still recommended because flu most often peaks in February and significant activity can continue into May.

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Six important steps to a healthy life

1. Take stock of your life!
To get started, you first need to take stock of your current lifestyle to work out what you need to do.
2. Take control of your problems!

If you have any chronic health problems, it is essential that you have some sort of plan to get things under control.

3. Increase your daily activity level!

It is a good idea to get at least half an hour of exercise at least three days a week.

4. Control your diet!

A healthy diet helps prevent disease.

5. Get enough rest every night!

Getting enough sleep is as important as a healthy diet and exercise.

6. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.

If you regularly consume alcohol or any other addictive substance, you may face a number of health problems.

Current information about diseases


The COVID-19 (CoronaVirus Disease 2019 - caused by the corona virus ...

Lyme disease

Ticks can spread pathogens that cause many diseases, ...


Influenza is a droplet-borne, contagious, viral disease ...

Monkey pox

Monkeypox is a zoonotic infection ...

Hepatitis A

Infectious hepatitis can be caused by several hepatitis viruses, ...

Campylobacter infection

Diarrhoeal diseases (gastroenteritis) ...

Credible on health, health care

0 +
0 +
patient investigation / year
0 +
years of experience
0 +
referral / year